I hope all of you are having a great May so far. I have been busy wrapping up my final edits on the project that I will be working on publishing traditionally. After that, I will begin sending out queries to agents to see if I can move forward in this process. If you guys know of anyone that I query, let me know and I will be happy to send one to them. This process is much slower than the self-published route, but I'm looking forward to getting my book in more places and making it available to more people worldwide.
As for the other two series that I have published, book three of the Roots of Conviction series "Knight of Ipredaris" is next in line to begin the revision process. It will likely take me until at least the middle of July to make these changes and get it ready to release at the end of July or early August. I'm sure that you guys will love the story that is coming and I can't wait to hear your reviews and opinions on where this story is going.
Book three of the Officer's of Tomorrow is also waiting for the revision process and will be up next after "Knight of Ipredaris" has been released. This story is probably my favorite I've ever written, besides this new project that I just finished. Stay tuned because I am planning on releasing a sneak preview of both of these books soon.