We all have different Christmas traditions, making each of our holiday experiences unique. In my family, Christmas movies are a large part of our family celebrations along with a lot of other things. Last year I talked about an individual tradition of mine to read at least one Christmas book every year and now I'm going to talk about some of my favorite movies to watch to help get me in the spirit. I can't wait to hear what you guys think about these movies as well and if you believe that I missed one, please feel free to comment below and tell me some of your favorites.
1. It's a Wonderful Life

This is my all-time favorite Christmas movie and I try to watch it every year on Christmas Eve. The story in this movie is one of the most well-developed on this list. As an author and can only applaud these writers for their amazing adaptation of Philip Van Doren Stern's amazing short story, The Greatest Gift is a master class in adaptation.
On top of this, it is a very early commentary on stress and mental health. I don't think many people notice this, but Harry Bailey's battle with confidence and hope is always pushing him close and when he about loses the business, it pushes him to suicide. If people regularly rallied around people when they struggle like the people of Bedford Falls do for Harry, the world would be a much better place. If you haven't seen it, please do.
2. How the Grinch Stole Christmas

A carryover from last year's list, this movie is another wonderful adaptation of an amazing story. After several attempts at an adaptation, Jim Carrey's portrayal of the Grinch brought this story to life. This is one of my favorite stories to watch with children and lots of family. If you haven't seen this one yet please grab family and friends and enjoy this comedic adaption.
3. The Santa Claus

This is the first on the list that isn't an adaptation. The unique approach to the job of Santa Claus is an awesome twist on the traditional view of Santa as a character in a story. In fact, this inspired the short story I'm currently working on and I'm planning on releasing it the week before Christmas. This is another amazing story to share with your family, so please do.
4. Elf

Elf is a great family movie that does a lot of fun things with another unique Christmas idea. This movie is tied to a lot of good memories for me. Like almost every Will Ferrell movie, it's filled with quotable lines and memorable moments.
5. The Muppets Christmas Carol

There are a lot of movies that could easily pick up this spot, but the Muppets just bring so much nostalgia for me. I don't like most of the adaptations of this wonderful book, but this one takes enough liberties to be very enjoyable. The comedy in this film makes it fun to watch.