I'm sorry that I haven't been good at getting out the fun stuff that everyone is asking for, I have been very busy getting the next book ready. Because "Inventing Stars" has been such a success, I have decided to move the second book in this series forward to release this year.! I have not set a release date yet, but I am aiming for the first week of December.
I am already about 85% of the way done with this new book that will be called "Defeating the Storm", and I am very excited about the direction this is going in. If you would like to see a preview of this book, please check it out below.
For those of you also interested in the "Roots of Conviction" Series, you will also be very happy to hear that book three of that series is written and has started the editing process. The plan for that book is to release next April. I will be announcing that title in next month's update along with a small preview of the book for anyone who might want to see it.